Agrokom Servis, s.r.o.

Pod Kalvariou 40, Presov 080 01

  • real estate sale, real estate renting, legal aid mediation, lease contract drawing up, sales agreement drawing up, securing of real estate purchase financing
  • non-food goods, small consumer items
  • rolling tobacco, smoking requisites, glow lighters, tobacco pipes, cigarette filters, classic cigarettes, flavoured cigarettes, flavored small cigars
  • food supplements, vitamin supplements, medicaments and drugs offer, pharmacological preparations, natural treatment, clinical drug testing, supply pharmacies
  • small mechanisation, utility machines, precise technology and equipment, electronic equipment
  • distribution of agricultural machinery, fodder turning machines, round ball presses, mulching machines and crushers, trench mowers, combine harvesters and harvest lines
  • hairdressing utensils, hair preparations, drugstore goods, cleaners and detergents, cosmetic products

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