Zdenek Baumruk

Malechov 48, Dolany 339 01
The company Zdeněk Baumruk cuts wood on a bandsaw up to a length of 10 and a diameter of up to 70 cm. We are engaged in the production of carpentry and construction lumber, trusses, beams, beams, planks and laths. We supply dried lumber and firewood including transport.

- cutting wood on a band saw
- production of carpentry and construction lumber, trusses, beams, beams, planks, laths
- delivery of dried lumber and firewood including transport.

We are located at Malechov 48, Dolany.

  • sawmill production, coniferous joinery timber, broadleaved joinery timber, lumber impregnation, planing of lumber, work with timber loader
  • floorboards and boards, wooden building material, battens and planks, wooden cases, beams and squared timber

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