Voplyntop, s.r.o.

Na Pruhone 387, Kacice 273 04
The company Voplyntop, s.r.o. has been successfully operating on the market for more than 14 years. We focus mainly on the installation and repair of water, gas and heating. The services provided by our company include all heating work, installation and reconstruction of heating systems, internal and external water distribution, internal and external gas installations or supply of gas boilers. We also install central vacuum cleaners and core drilling. We are based in Kačice, Kladno district.

Work, craft, services:

Plumbing, plumbing:
- internal and external water and sewerage
- complete renovation of bathrooms
- assembly and delivery of ZTI fixtures.

Heating work:
- central heating
- installation, repair and reconstruction of heating systems and boiler rooms
- floor heating, radiators, air recuperation
- heat pumps, solar systems.

Gas installations:
- internal and external gas installations
- gasification
- supply, installation, servicing of gas boilers.

Another services:
- installation of central vacuum cleaners
- core drilling.

Are you looking for a quality and reliable company in the field of water, topo, gas? Then do not hesitate to use the services of Voplyntop, s.r.o. We have many years of experience and we offer our customers a complete photo documentation of the entire order and free consultations.

  • domestic electrical appliances, white electrical goods, kitchen electrical appliances, bathroom appliances, sale of vacuum cleaners
  • all manual work, custom craftsman work, handmade work, other professions and services
  • gas pipeline designing, gas pipeline assembly, gas installations, gas distribution system repairs, gas equipment revisions, gas appliance repairs
  • heat pump assembly, solar panel designing, floor heating implementation, boiler replacement
  • water piping installation, water connections, water distribution and sewer system, installation of water meters, installation of water taps

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