Vlastimil Picl

Prazska 41, Plzen 301 00
Vlastimil Pícl - AZ Profin offers loan intermediation and
consumer credit. Possibility of cash loans, loans on account, secured loans and refinancing of unfavorable loans. You can apply for a quick loan online.

Cash loan:
- fast processing, cash paid out within minutes
- higher interest rate
- in the range from 2, 000 to 10, 000 CZK.

Loan on account:
- from 10, 000 to 95, 000 CZK.

Secured loan:
- as a guarantee mortgage of real estate
- from 50, 000 to 50, 000, 000 CZK.

Loan refinancing:
- refinancing (consolidation) of unfavorable loans from non-bank providers
we will help you with loans from 30, 000 to 600, 000 CZK without a guarantor and without a real estate guarantee.

We prefer personal meetings in our office, where all documents and information are available. You can find us at Pražská 41, Plzeň.

  • consumer loans, bridging loans, mortgage refinancing, consolidation of loans, leasing of cars
  • pension funds, banks and financial institutions, factoring companies, insurance companies, loan providers

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