Prague Navigation, s.r.o.

Litevska 1174/8, Praha 10 100 00

  • winter holiday, summer vacation, weekend stays, study stays abroad, excursion tours, guide services
  • rental of cottages and cabins, accommodation in the mountains, recreational facilities, holiday at cottage
  • family type accommodation, room renting, single rooms, double rooms, rooms with several beds, bed and breakfast
  • entertainment parks, birthday party organisation, corporate parties, balls, concert performances, festivals
  • free storage capacities, roofed storage areas, warehouse technology renting, effective inventory management
  • electronic equipment, white goods, hygiene articles, household equipment, musical instruments
  • double-entry accounting, accounting documents, tax evidence, taxes and returns, wage calculation, audits
  • cold meals, hot meals, seated refreshments, catering service, social events

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