Travel agencies and guides

Tour operators offer holidays and tours to favorite destinations such as Greece, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Tunisia or Egypt with all inclusive including the handling of travel insurance. Take advantage of the offers last-minute and choose a holiday at great prices!


ALCA TRAVEL is a travel agency organizing tailor-made sightseeing tours. We arrange for you accommodation in hotels around the world, we offer stays in luxury villas in Florida, you can visit the Seychelles archipelago, Mexico, Argentina, Morocco, Maldives, Japan and many other countries. We also organize entertainment programs for children and parents, such as boat trips. We also offer complete…

Helena Pírková Hernová

Travel agency Helena Pírková Hernová - Invia offers its clients a wide range of tours. You can choose from foreign or domestic stays, residential, sightseeing, spa but also sports or ski stays. With us you can look into all corners of the world. We are located at Hradiště 20, Ústí nad Labem. Travel agency, services: - foreign and domestic destinations - residential tours - sightseeing tours…

Libor Weiser - LIOD Travel

Poznávací a pobytová exotika, exotické zájezdy, cesta kolem světa, karibik dovolená, Thajsko dovolená, Mexiko zájezdy, Safari, Dovolená Afrika, Latinská Amerika zájezdy, zájezdy Čína, zájezdy Malajsie, zájezdy Keňa, luxusní dovolená, Srí Lanka, Májská kultura, Peru, Brazílie