Accommodation for one or more nights, including restaurant, offers both motels, which can be found at the main roads, so botely, which, on the contrary you will only find on the water. Accommodation, restaurant, entertainment, low prices, in short, a convenient accommodation with all the trimmings.

Language stays abroad for children and youth, adults and managers. Language stays for the undemanding. Working stays. Work programs abroad for students and non-students. Study in Australia and New Zealand with the possibility to work Flight tickets Euro weekends Charters Visa Insurance Tours Accommodation abroad Car rental ...

Accommodations: -hotel -restaurant -3 lounges -wine cellar -sports ground -room snack bar -common rooms -large summer terrace -open fireplaces -custom parking.

Accommodation services: -cheap accommodation in Brno - within reach of public transport (public transport) - possibility of booking for one night - discounts for longer stays -capacity 228 beds, 52 rooms -double, triple and quadruple rooms - the restaurant is open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m -lunch, dinner - price from 135 CZK per bed ...

Hostel: - 9 rooms: 3 double, 1 five-bed, 1 four-bed, 1 eight-bed, 2 twelve-bed and 1 fourteen-bed room - total capacity of 61 beds - non-smoking cafe - bar, club Fléda.

We provide NONSTOP cheap accommodation in the center of Brno (Brno-centrum) with parking near the bus and train stations: -6 double rooms - price per person/bed/day included breakfast 699 - 899 CZK -2 persons 1099 - 1599, - CZK - dormitory, motel, hostel, boarding house, pension. It is a modernly equipped accommodation facility with a ...