Take advantage of national and international delivery service, which provides logistics services, transport of light and bulky loads, the transport of pallets and building materials, moving services and transportation of furniture, transportation of waste and old appliances.

Services: - truck transport.

The company PPL CZ Ltd. provides wide spectrum of express transport services. You can get extra pack of express services. Express door-to-door transport of parcels for companies and entrepreneurs (B2B - business-to-business). The price of service standardly includes: -nation-wide express door-to-door transport of packages -weight of ...

Production, services: -preparatory work for constructions (demolition work, construction sewerage and water supply, land drainage, landscaping .....) -transport by vehicles over 7, 5t.

Services: -international road transport predominantly large-volume vehicles -only to the countries of Western and Southern Europe - fleet of 12 vehicles -freight transport, passenger -Freight forwarding.