Take advantage of the overseas delivery transport throughout Europe, which provides logistics services, freight forwarding services, transportation of light and bulky loads, delivery of goods and express road transport deliveries.

Express delivery of goods up to 1500 kg within the Czech Republic and in EU countries.

Society for Economy, Transport and Trade. Transport office. Truck transport: - international, foreign - national, domestic. Transport services: - vehicle extraction - full truck transport. - express shipping - loading, transshipment - daily deliveries - scheduled and non-scheduled. Shipping: - international and domestic ...

National and international road transport, transport of piece and pallet consignments, transport of dangerous substances (ADR), logistics and forwarding services.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - road freight: -international (foreign), domestic (domestic) cars MERCEDES, FORD, RENAULT.

Road transport. Shipping. Express shipping of parcels: -all over Europe (safely, quickly, anywhere and in any quantity) - with deliveries of up to 1.4 t used weight on four Euro pallets -transportation of horses in a special trailer. Services: - extraction of trucks of partner companies - we transport larger shipments in cooperation ...