Transportation of standard and oversize cargo, such as oil, coal, wood, or containers, is realized by using a boat. Shipping freight transport provides an affordable option to how to conveniently transport large amounts of cargo, both nationally and internationally.

NNR Global Logistics UK LIMITED, organizacni slozka
A global corporation engaged in air and ship transportation. Air shipments, import, export and cross trade. Thanks to the "next flight" principle are our services adjusted to your needs. Choose the flight that suits you, the same way as if you were traveling yourself. For time-critical shipments you can also choose a personal ...
AZ LOGISTIKA s.r.o. Vnitrostatni a mezinarodni preprava
Company AZ LOGISTIKA s.r.o. focuses on providing comprehensive services in the field of road transport. We provide domestic and international road haulage, warehouse logistics, customs services as well as sea and air transport. We transport single, pallet, full truck and oversize loads. Our registered office is at Praha 20, Do Čertous ...
Tactical Advantage, s.r.o.
Tactical Advantage, s.r.o. is a neutral Czech logistics company focused on the sea and air transport of goods and also provides assistance, consulting, training and other services in this field. We believe that logistics services can be provided on a very friendly, family basis; we do not pursue the financial or volume criteria of owners or ...
The company DELTA SHIPPING AND TRADING, spol. s r.o. is one of the leading providers of maritime transport services on the Czech market and is an important partner for a number of global shipping companies. We specialize in container sea transport, we also offer the possibility of using a collection service, international forwarding and we also ...

Freight transport - forwarding, logistics, transport: - domestic, domestic - foreign, international all over the world (especially Italy, Germany, Benelux, France, Poland and others) - air, sea. Warehousing, storage, including stock records, logistics services (distribution of shipments and distribution - Customs declaration - ADR ...

Air Transport. Sea transport. International and domestic freight transport. Forwarding. Rail transport.

Logistic integrator number 1. A subsidiary company of Peugeot. International transport: - road - sea - air - collection service - express courier service - forwarding - logistics. International freight truck transport and forwarding: - carload freight transport - transport of goods in a way of addition (vehicles properly ...

Service: -international express service -air dispatch service -worldwide service -desk-to-desk -mail-order -courier -delivery -parcel -transport -transportation -motor transport -general cargo -express transport -express transport system SPRINT, EuroExpress, EURAPID -general cargo, package shipment -complete truck load -internal ...

Service: -international express service -air dispatch service -worldwide service -desk-to-desk -mail-order service -courier -delivery -parcel -transport -transportation -motor transport -general cargo -express transport -express transport system SPRINT, EuroExpress, EURAPID -general cargo, package shipment -internal ...

Service: -international express service -air dispatch service -worldwide service -desk-to-desk -mail-order service -courier -delivery -parcel -transport -transportation -motor transport -general cargo -express transport -express transport system SPRINT, EuroExpress, EURAPID -general cargo, package shipment -internal ...

DHL EXPRESS - above-standard transport solution, from simple software to integrated business solutions. Transport of parcels, oversize loads, shipments, goods and industrial projects. We offer express transport and delivery of shipments, logistic and courier services, including shipment tracking throughout the world. Our ...

Forwarding services, forwarding services. Goods transport: - air, - railway, - road, - combined. Sales and rental: - new containers - used containers (sea, residential, freezer, etc.) - ship's spaces and tonnages - manned and unmanned yachts - cruises - purchase and sale of boats Sea transport, sea transport: - piece ...

Services, logistics, domestic, international transport: - rail transport - sea, river transport - storage.

FIEGE s.r.o. is part of the international family company FIEGE Group, which is one of the top European providers of logistics systems. We have 232 subsidiaries, 11,000 employees in 17 countries, 3, 1 million m2 of warehouse and logistics space, group turnover in 2012: EUR 1.5 billion In the Czech Republic, FIEGE has eight branches - in Bor u ...

ViT Logistics s.r.o. is a reliable supplier of transport services. We are able to transport any shipment, anywhere in the world. We provide international, domestic freight transport, sea and air transport of consignments, logistics and, of course, customs services. We are based in Prague 10, Štěrboholy. Road transport: - international road ...

Wholesale, logistics, warehousing and customs services. Sea and air transport.

The company Karl Heinz Dietrich Praha s.r.o. offers comprehensive logistics and transportation services. Our services include trucking, air and sea freight. You can find us in Prague 10, we have another office in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm.

Services: - logistics - forwarding - international road transport - Naval transport

Services: - international freight transport - express transport - sea and air transport

Services: - road, sea, air, rail transport - logistics, warehousing.

Services: - international road Transport - air and sea transport - storage, packaging

Services: - rail transport - air freight - Naval transport - land transport.

Logistic Services offers: Consignment transport - all modes of transport from any place