Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

The company ZEMDOS - Jan Doseděl offers earthmoving and excavation work using crawler mini-excavators (1t to 2.5t), which are suitable for hard-to-reach places. Together with the crawler dumper, which the company owns, these machines can also get into confined spaces. The machines have rubber tracks, so there is no danger of destroying, for ...

Services: - complex gardening work - green planting proposals - planting lawns - care of greenery - planting flowers, bushes, trees. -treatment of bushes, trees, cutting work, felling trees -risky felling of trees - crushing of branches up to 14 cm -milling of stumps, digging out stumps -drilling holes up to 60 cm - ...

Construction company STABET spol. s.r.o. with headquarters in Vsetín, offers comprehensive comprehensive deliveries of new buildings and reconstructions from the entire spectrum of land structures, and at the same time also deals with the sale and import of concrete mixtures, bulk materials, welded mesh, etc. We operate primarily within the Zlín ...

SVIMO CAR s.r.o. based in the Vsetín district, deals with domestic and international transport. We transport goods throughout Europe with our own vehicles. We have canvas vans, light-duty rigs and semi-trailers with a payload of 24 tons available. All cargo is always insured against damage or theft. At the same time, our company serves as a ...

The company SKATRANS s.r.o. based in Valašské Meziříčí focuses on freight, truck international transport. It will also provide bus transport by a luxury Mercedes tour bus. We will also take care of repairing and washing trucks or adding refrigerant to air conditioners. We specialize mainly in freight transport: - export and import throughout ...

The company MARSHAL LOGISTIC s.r.o. offers logistics services, domestic and international freight and truck transport, forwarding and related customs services. We will transport small and large costs for you and your company throughout the Czech Republic and throughout Europe. We also provide professional advice on all areas of activity. We are ...

The strength of our company is professionalism and more than twenty-five years of experience on the market. We will take care of the fastest and most efficient solution to your order in the field of sale and transport of aggregates, or earthworks. We offer separate transport or transport including aggregates. Thanks to our versatile vehicle ...

Container transport: - hauling by truck with hydraulic arm - wastes - rubble - soil haulage - building materials - sands - gravel - concrete. Rent. - containers. Hydraulic hand work. Carpentry Custom production - furniture. Earth and excavation work with a mini excavator. Construction work. Plant care.

Construction activity. Electrical installation. Production: - switchgear. Revision: - electro. Water, heating, gas: - heat exchanger construction sites - gas boilers - gas installation, gas boiler rooms. Transport: - domestic cargo.

Transport and logistics company. Domestic and international transport. Transportation Just in Time. Forwarding services.

Wholesale: - building materials for rough construction - building insulation - facade, thermal insulation and plaster systems. Sale: - paving - tiles - sanitary ware - building material. Truck transport of material with a hydraulic arm.

We specialize in domestic and international road transport of bulk materials. Our company was founded in 1991, we currently own 35 dump trucks, thanks to which we provide transport to all countries of the European Union and beyond (Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.). Our main specialization is the transport of bulk ...

Trucking and crane works. Car service: - car service - preparation of cars for MOT - car glass - body work. DALGIT -Large format and small format printing -Graphic studio -Service and sales of computer equipment -Photo studio

Earthworks. Road transport: - freight. Delivery, installation: - wastewater treatment plants - project documentation. Rental: - machines and tools - vehicles. Cutting: - asphalt surface.

Trucking - V3S three-way tipper with hydraulic arm - earthworks with a 1.5t crawler mini excavator. Electrical work - low voltage electrical connections to family houses - wiring - electrical inspections.

Domestic and international trucking. Shipping. Transportation: - piece consignments - dangerous goods - oversized costs.

Road transport: - international and domestic freight transport - transport services.

We offer international, domestic truck transport: - comprehensive transport services throughout the EU and outside the Member States.

Road transport: - national, international. Express shipping: - shipments and costs 1-5kg Passenger transport. Minibus transport: - 5 + 1, 8 + 1 passenger transport. Rental: - motor homes - caravans. Car rental.

Services - international and domestic transport - freight transport - truck and van transport - car service, car repair shop - tire service - towing service.

Forwarding - international and domestic truck transport - freight transport.

Complete construction work. Delivery and sales: - building material - gravel - sand and aggregate. Removal of debris and waste. Container transport. Transportation of materials: - hydraulic hand - dump trucks. Earthwork. Accommodations.

Activity: - truck transport, transportation of soil and loose materials - sale of aggregate, gravel and sand

Services: - car service - repairs of cars and trucks - tire service - towing service Road transport: - international road Transport - container transport Hradištěko 736 phone: 576 776 477, 604 289 351