Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Family company with a focus on freight forwarding and road transport.

Haulage: -international - domestic Services: - engine cleaning -tire service

We carry out ecological disposal of cars, trucks and other motor vehicles. Upon agreement, we will also arrange transport. We will arrange a certificate for ecological disposal and all documents for you free of charge. We also operate cargo transport over 12 t. Domestic and international truck transport. We specialize in the states of the former ...

-Storage, packaging of goods, cargo handling and technical activities in transport - Shipping and representation in customs procedures -Accommodation services -Providing services for agriculture, horticulture, fish farming, forestry and hunting - Management of reproductive material of forest trees -Mineral processing, peat and mud ...

Truck transport. Transportation: - ordinary goods on pallets - construction materials by vehicles with a hydraulic crane - individual transport according to customer requirements - piece shipments up to 2 tons Mining. Costs from all over the Czech Republic. Part of the fleet is equipped with Hiab hydraulic cranes with a handling range of ...

Truck transport Air Transport Sea transport Logistics services Road transport

Towing - immobile and crashed cars - the possibility of storing vehicles in a guarded parking lot Transportation - vehicles - machines - material

International and domestic transport and logistics services.

Domestic and international trucking Domestic and international forwarding Export and import

Crane work: - mobile crane AD 20 on a Tatra chassis, capacity 20 tons, maximum reach of 22 meters. International freight transport from 1 - 24 tons to EU countries. Earthwork by UNC technique. We are holders of ISO 9001:2001.