Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Our services: - international, domestic road transport - crane works - moving services.

International transport. International forwarding activity, services and collection service within the whole of Europe and with vehicles from 1 to 24 tons and large-volume sets up to 120 cbm. Intrastat of exports and imports.

Provision of container transport. Rental of containers, removal of rubble and waste. Import of building materials and wood.

The first Czech private courier and forwarding service. Services: - delivery of goods - international forwarding - other activities related to forwarding.

Construction company. Work: - electrical installation, electrical installation - construction - earthworks (excavations, foundations, rough structures, family houses) - reconstruction and repairs of residential and non-residential premises - insulation of buildings - plumbing and heating works - Garbage Collection.

Since 1999, we have been offering you our services in the field of construction, scaffolding and road transport. We offer a comprehensive solution to your requirements. Try us and learn more about our quality.

We sell building materials - building materials - cement, lime, mortars, bricks, blocks, polystyrene, insulation, ceilings, lintels, chimneys, concrete products, pavements, panels, pits, as well as sand, crushed stone, gravel, soil, coal, briquettes. We use our own freight transport - Tatra with hydraulic arm, Tatra tipper, Tatra trailer, Avia ...