Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Domestic and international freight transport. Transportation of goods up to 5 tons.

Road transport, transportation: - cargo - international - national - foreign - domestic Forwarding.

Work: - construction - reconstruction - ventilation system - pipe distributions - metalworking - locksmith - carpentry Transport, road transport: - freight

Domestic and international freight transport up to 3.5 tons.

Freight road transport without restrictions on the total weight of the cargo.

Services: - construction, reconstruction, repair of turnkey buildings - roofing work - execution of flat roof sheathing with bitumen strips from the company Nord Bitumi - carpentry and joinery work - ensuring the supply and installation of aeration skylights - sale of building materials - road freight transport

Assembly, projection, delivery of technology: - internal communication and signaling distributions and external including delivery-telephone devices and switchboards - computer networks of any type - complete telephone distributions of the type subscriber operating network, including earthworks and geopathic orientation - cable ...

Services: Bringing the waste container. Removal of the waste container. Waste disposal. Transport of material on pallets. Transportation of sand, gravel, aggregate, recycled material, soil, etc.

Activities of HEIKO s.r.o.: - international and domestic truck transport by own vehicles and other transporters - we use satellite vehicle tracking - forwarding services - repair service - transport health service. We operate a car service and related services for passenger cars and vans. - preparing vehicles for technical ...

Operation of road transport up to 7.5 tons.

We perform: - car transport - transportation of vehicles - transportation of cars - transportation of cars - road transport

We provide services in the field of road transport and forwarding.

Domestic freight transport up to 24 tons.