Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - car service - warranty and post-warranty service of motorcycles Transport, road transport: - freight - national and international - express Sale: - ATVs - scooters Car and car rental: - personal - utility - Minibuses - Fiat Ducato panorama (7 + 1) - freight - 7 - 38 pallets negotiated Headquarters: Partigal ...

International and domestic shipping.

Transport, forwarding: - transport services - international road Transport - domestic freight transport - transport of containers - forwarding - transportation of goods from 500 kg - 24,000 kg.

Container rental, removal and disposal of waste, rubble, container transport, container delivery, rubble removal, transport of pallets, earthworks, excavation work, sale of sand, crushed stone, recycled materials, Hronov, Náchod, Rtyně v Podkrkonoší, Červený Kostelec and surroundings

Driving school. Services: - training of drivers of all groups - fitness rides for driving license holders - driver training - accredited training center - professional cards. Domestic road transport (Červený Kostelec, Náchod, Trutnov, Hradec Králové and surroundings) International road transport Trucking up to 6t.

International freight forwarding services across Europe - Beran Jirí s.r.o. The Beran Jirí s.r.o. company specializes in international truck transport especially to Spain, England, and Portugal. In the 20 years since the foundation of the company, many long-term relationships have been established not only with our clients in road transport ...

Kristensson s.r.o. from Trutnov operates professional services in lorry transport throughout Europe. - international and internal truck haulage and forwarding - freight transport We specialize in international lorry (truck) transport, mainly in Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands. - we offer possibility of transport and ...

The company TTV spedice spol. s.r.o. is the largest ground carrier in the Czech Republic owning a fleet of vehicles that transports goods to Northern Europe (especially Sweden) and back. The company, managed by Mr. Hlaváček since its foundation, regularly sends trucks to southern and western Europe. The transport of orders is organized by a ...

Facility and Property Management, Passenger, bus and freight transport

Truck transport, earth and excavation work, construction activities. In the field of truck transport, we specialize in the transport of material, waste, rubble, sand, gravel, concrete, soil and palletized and non-palletized products. We also carry out ground and excavation work. We will provide excavation of foundations and foundation ...

Transport company Germany, France, Switzerland We provide forwarding and logistics services: - Road freight motor transport, international and domestic - Forwarding - Collecting service - Goods storage and handling of goods and cargo - Repairs of road vehicles - Tyre service - Technical services - Retail sale of motor vehicles and ...

Activity: - transport and logistics services - national and international freight transport - express transport - forwarding - storage - moving

Service: -international express service -air dispatch service -worldwide service -desk-to-desk -mail-order service -courier -delivery -parcel -transport -transportation -motor transport -general cargo -express transport -express transport system SPRINT, EuroExpress, EURAPID -general cargo, package shipment -internal ...

The Technical Services of the City of Jaroměř are a contributory organization that manages local roads, including traffic signs, summer and winter maintenance. We are also in charge of managing public spaces, parks and urban greenery, urban furniture (benches, waste bins, information and orientation systems), playgrounds, municipal cemeteries, ...

INTREX - CZECH s.r.o. is a logistics, trade and sales center. We provide logistics, forwarding and warehousing services. Lease: - office space - storage facilities - parking areas for trucks.

Building company BVS HK s.r.o. specializes in general construction supplies from the very beginning and offers comprehensive construction services to its customers. We provide construction of houses, apartment buildings, commercial and industrial buildings, as well as thermal insulation of prefabricated houses and buildings, facades and ...

Services: - recruitment agency Construction activity: - family houses - reconstruction - buildings - access roads, parking - thermal insulation - design activity. Road transport: - national and international freight.

Engineering and construction company VASPO VAMBERK, s.r.o. it divides its activities into two divisions. We are engaged in mechanical engineering, as well as the development and production of machinery and equipment for a wide range of industries. We offer design, development and construction work, including the supply of new machinery. We are ...

The company RODOS V + J Teodoridis s.r.o. operates as a transport, service and sales company. We provide trucking, forwarding, we also service and repair vehicles. We operate a gas station and perform manual cleaning of vehicles. In the center of Dvůr Králové nad Labem at 110 Palackého Street, you can visit our spare parts store for cars, trucks ...

Sale from a covered landfill: -dry coal brown, black, coke -coal briquettes, wooden-loose and packaged -transport to the place -cleaning with hydraulic belts -fuel wood soft, hard, dry, loose and packaged, fire chips -propane-butane bombs 2, 10, 33kg. Driver - Mr. Žižka 606637865. Transport, road transport: -national and ...

International transport - piece consignments

Activity: - earthworks and excavations - container transport

The company BOBY - FLEISCH, spol. s r.o. focuses on the trade in animals and the transport of slaughter and breeding animals. We transport animals throughout Europe and beyond. We continuously service the vehicle fleet and our cars have innovative elements that guarantee comfort to the animals during transport. All our cars are equipped with a ...

Water management structures: -wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) -sewerage -engineering networks (water, electricity, gas) Work: -ground -Landscaping-Planks, reclamation -demolition. -composting - sorted garden compost Transport: -freight.