Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Transport, road transport: - truck - national, international - mining.

Haulage: - international and national - daily deliveries of goods throughout the Czech Republic and the EU - relocations - personal transport - forwarding.

Road transport: - truck international road transport - shipping - excessive costs - special costs.

Road transport, transport, transportation: - international truck - within the EU

Domestic and foreign EU truck transport.

Road transport, transportation, transport, transportation: -freight road national and international, domestic, foreign, truck: - tippers, flatbeds, low loaders.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: -domestic road freight (special low-floor vehicles). Work: - AD 20 t truck crane.

Road transport up to 24 tons: -national, domestic -international, foreign. Express transportation of parcels.

Offer of hot and cold meals and drinks. The possibility of organizing private and corporate celebrations.

Structure of rooms: -56 double rooms, basin, shared welfare facilities on each floor, kitchenette with cooker and fridge -14 double rooms, own welfare facilities (WC, shower enclosure). Category: -boarding house with all-year accommodation. On the premises: -restaurant -laundry -public parking - 100 m.