Autoškola - skupiny B, B+E - školení referentů Doprava - zemina - stavební materiály a suť - kameniva a kamenné drtě - obalované směsi Práce smykovým nakladačem UNC 080 a traktorbagrem Školení referentů
Container truck transport Ostrava, Opava. Hlucin, Kozmice - removal and import of all building materials rubble, waste, gravel, sand, coal, concrete - container rental 3m3, 6m3, 8m3, 10m3 Import of pallet material - have an AVIA D 120 vehicle - load capacity 5.5 t Transport of UNC, DESTA, ... Material composition by hydraulic crane - crane parameters PM 8024 m / kg 1.9 =…
Services: - management, processing of accounting - keeping tax records, processing tax returns - Intrastat report processing. Truck transport.
Services - express transport of consignments - foreign and domestic freight transport - international and domestic road transport.
Wholesale: - pharmacy product: - hand washing products - cleaning and disinfecting agents - degreasing agents - protective equipment - creams - detergents - stationery - toilet paper, paper towels - brooms, rags, shovels. Road transport - delivery, transport of goods throughout the Czech Republic the republic.
Activity - coating and blasting of steel structures. Trucking - handling of steel structures.
Work: - earth, excavation - terrain work - demolition, demolition. Wholesale, retail: - slag - sand, gravel. Trucking.
Delivery truck transport Freight transport over 3.5t-24t Moving, clearing apartments Personal car transport for up to 6 people incl. the driver Assembly, repairs and revisions - electrical installation Assembly, repairs and revisions - lightning rods
Mezinárodní a vnitrostátní nákladní doprava Spedice - vytěžování vozidel Jeřábnické práce
Sale: - diesel - CNG. Rail transport. Repair and maintenance: - locomotives - railway cars. Road transport: - Tatra AD28 mobile crane - platform MP13.
Pier Pam: - truck transport, - fuel filling stations, - LPG station, - washing lines for trucks and passenger vehicles, - self-service washing boxes, - tire service for cars and trucks.
International road Transport. Gas station. Truck wash. Road transport: - cargo.