Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

The company Holcner - Doprava, s.r.o. provides a wide range of services within its business activities. We provide trucking over 3.5 tons, container transport, all earthworks and excavation work, demolition, construction and reconstruction of water management structures, roads and utilities. We also operate in the field of hazardous waste ...

Repair: - bodywork - road motor transport - national freight operated by vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of up to and including 3,5 tonnes, international freight operated by vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of up to and including 3,5 tonnes.

Transport services of heavy and bulky loads: - international, domestic truck transport - express transport - transport of piece consignments.

Services: - national and international road transport - collection service - customs clearance - forwarding, forwarding

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding

Sand pit Drnovice. Mining, sales: -sand, sand. Work: -ground work. -terrain work. -stabilization of soils by liming. -demolition. Road transport: -freight. -Excessive costs.

Services: - locksmithery - assembly of steel structure, industrial halls - PUR cladding, mineral panels - installation of roofs made of trapezoidal sheets and sandwich panels - earthworks - trucking

Concrete plant, production, sales and transport: -concrete mixtures -concrete, asphalt concrete, asphalt mixtures. Construction company, construction and repairs: -transport constructions (construction), roads (communications), roads, paved areas, playgrounds, etc. -delivery and laying of coated aggregates and asphalt concrete class ACP22, ...

Construction: - family houses. Revitalization: - residential houses. Realization: - attic installations - facades - insulation of residential and non-residential houses. Reconstruction: - houses and flats - housing cores - bathrooms Renovation: - stairs, concrete floors, Work: - fitting and installation of plastic windows ...

Services - national and international road freight transport - delivery of consignments - moving.

Road transport: - freight - delivery - national, international - Courier services - moving Services: - bank, non-bank loans - insurance

Earth and excavation works - foundation excavations - excavations for engineering networks (water pipeline, gas pipeline, sewerage) - excavation of pools - terrain work - demolition. Road transport - import of gravel, sand and soil.

Services: - a taxi - personal transport of people - freight transport up to 3.5t - moving - courier transport - drink & drive service

Our company provides services in the field of construction and earthworks, road transport, sales of new housing units and premises for rent. We have been operating on the market since 2001. We deal with industrial and residential construction and operate mainly in Blanensko. We have modern technology, 20 regular employees who are specially ...

Construction company. Construction work: - new buildings - reconstruction - monuments - attic buildings - superstructures - industrial objects. Road transport. Building materials.

National and international truck transport. Forwarding.

Water management structures. Transportation construction. Earthwork. Road transport: -haulage.

Services: -international and domestic transport - express transport of goods throughout Europe - transport on working days, with smaller cars also possible over the weekend. Vehicle fleet: -6 trucks -4 vans. Transportation time: -domestic-up to 7 hours - international shipping of parcels within 24 hours - only longer distances within ...

Freight transport up to 30 tons. Earth and excavation works. Complete construction work.

Haulage: - international and national - moving.

International and domestic freight transport, dangerous goods. Consulting in the field of transportation of dangerous goods, security advisor.