Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Services: - forestry - logging and logging - agricultural services - mowing - reversal - summary - transport of various materials

Domestic and international freight transport

Production: -engineering company: -Machining -welding -material division -CNC sheet metal processing Retail: -fireplace inserts -metallic material, including tailoring and import to the customer Services: -transport

Trucking RIMALE Trade s.r.o. provides transportation services - truck transport - international and domestic freight transport.

Earthwork. Construction activity - buildings - communication - utilities - plasterboard works - tiling works - masonry work. Truck transport - transportation of bulk materials - debris and waste removal. Sale of building materials.

Earth and excavation work, demolition, landscaping, drilling of poles for fences, excavations or laying interlocking paving will be provided for you by the company Tomáš Brejcha. We are located in the village of Lhota behind Červený Kostelec, Náchod district. Jobs, services: - earth and excavation - demolition - terrain work - ...

Services: - complex gardening work - green planting proposals - planting lawns - care of greenery - planting flowers, bushes, trees. -treatment of bushes, trees, cutting work, felling trees -risky felling of trees - crushing of branches up to 14 cm -milling of stumps, digging out stumps -drilling holes up to 60 cm - ...

The GARANTRANS s.r.o. company from Ostrava, the Czech Republic, is a transport company operating mostly in Europe. Its main services include oversize (container, heavy, air), inland, international, truck transport, haulage and customs services. We have been operating on the market since 1998 and we provide transport to the EU countries, mostly ...

Truck transport of bulk materials up to 30 t and container transport up to 5 t. Earth and excavation works. Road transport throughout the Czech Republic.

Trucking. Road freight transport: - domestic, domestic - international, foreign - piece and full truckload shipments - excessive costs by telescopic semi-trailers - bulk semi-trailers - muld trailers (transport of special metallurgical products).