Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Domestic delivery and freight transport of cars over 3.5 tons. Moving services.

Services: - scrap metal - container transport

Services: - container transport Wholesale, retail, sale: -sand -calculus

Services: -international and domestic container transport

Freight transport up to 3.5t

Services: - coal warehouses - road transport - sands.

The company L.C. Truckcentrum s.r.o. is part of the multinational transport and forwarding group LC net, which mainly deals with road and combined transport of liquid chemicals, including dangerous ones. We also deal with the repair, reconstruction and rebuilding of tanks as well as tank containers. In order to ensure 100% technical condition ...

Truck transport by flatbed truck.

Towing service Container transport Traffic - road transport

Road transport: - domestic cargo Car DAF tarpaulin 12t.

Service - motor vehicles Truck transport - national and international

Services - bringing the container - haulage - transportation of sand, gravel, stones - winter maintenance of roads and roads - disposal of waste - disposal of landfills - earthworks

Truck transport - national Sale - building materials Engineering activity - utilities Earthwork

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - system of express transportation of pieces shipments throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia - TOPTRANS (delivery time 24 hours) -international and domestic shipping company - forwarding - comprehensive customs services - road truck transport in the Czech Republic and ...

Services - forwarding - domestic and foreign truck transport

We carry out the removal and disposal of waste and debris and clean up premises. We transport and sell sand, gravel, gravel and recycled materials.

Services: -air Transport -Naval transport - ground transportation -rail transport