Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Services: - logistics -storage -international and domestic transport -combined transport -rental of warehouse and production premises

Services: -national and international road transport

Services: -national and international freight transport

Services: - international bulk transport -domestic bulk transport - special transports with exchangeable superstructures - just-in-time transportation - transportation of semi-trailers with an internal height of the loading area of 3.0 m - transportation for the automotive industry -consultancy in transport -shipping - ...

Haulage - national - international - transportation of bulk materials - specialized semi-trailers of the WALKINGFLOOR type. Sale of mulch bark and wood chips.

Construction activity - construction of family houses - reconstruction of buildings - plasterboard works - warming up - Self-leveling floor. Sale and e-shop of building materials - tiling, paving - bricks, masonry material. Truck transport.

Construction, construction: -family houses -reconstruction Work: -demolition -ground - concrete - carpentry - tiling -masonry -insulating Services: - container transport

Activity: - ground and excavation work - freight and container transport

Sales, assembly - plastic and aluminum windows. Construction work - waterproofing of flat roofs - insulation of buildings - construction of family houses - reconstruction of residential premises - masonry work - electrical work - hot water. Freight container transport. Waste disposal.

Purchase, processing: - secondary materials - paper - plastics - metal waste, non-ferrous metals Services: - rental of containers - container transport

Shipping, transport, transportation, transports. Services: - transport of whole and partial consignments in the country and abroad -collection service from Germany to CZ - transport of dangerous goods ADR - oversized shipments -logistics services -storage of goods, handling them according to the customer's wishes, including delivery

Services: - soil sorting with a Zemmler mobile drum sorter - earthworks with a mini excavator - truck transport

Work: - plumbing - heating Services: - domestic transport -migration

Activity: - forwarding - domestic and international truck transport

Driving school. Road transport: - domestic and international truck transport.

Work and borrowing: - provision of crane technology from 16 to 500 tons and a height of 144 m. Service, repairs: - Karcher products Transport, transportation: - excessive load

Services: - truck transport Sale: - bark mulch

Wholesale, retail, sale of building materials - building material - cement, bricks - roofing - paving - isolation. Haulage.

Domestic and international trucking. International and domestic forwarding.

Sale: - firewood. Services: - transportation of wood material, including logs, by tractor with a semi-trailer, - carriage of wood material.

Services: - forwarding -national and international transport

International and domestic road transport and forwarding.

Road transport: - special transport - transportation of passenger cars.