Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Services: - international, domestic forwarding and shipping - transport of bulk substrates

Complex services in the field of logistics - customs services - customs consultancy - warehouses - transport: air, sea, train and road.

International and domestic road freight transport.

Services: -transportation of materials Work: - ground and excavation

Activity: - towing service - car service - truck transport

Activity: - earthworks - demolition work - truck transport

- Parcel transport - Transportation of dangerous goods - Transportation of goods under customs supervision - Transportation - Transportation - Shipping - Mining - Logistics

Services: - road transport - ground work - towing service

Our services: - freight road transport - domestic and international shipping.

Services: -national and international road transport -collection service - forwarding

Services: - international transport and forwarding - domestic transport and forwarding.

Services: - road transport - forwarding -storage

Services: -national and international road transport

Construction activity, construction, work: - residential - non-residential - reconstruction - earthworks - replacement of plastic, wooden and aluminum windows - tiling, paving - replacement of all internal distribution systems Services: - truck transport - waste disposal - cleaning work

International and domestic freight transport.

Services: -national and international car transport - forwarding

Services: -property management and maintenance -haulage -Technical Services -services for agriculture and horticulture - operation of the cemetery -waste management -maintenance of public lighting

Construction company, certified ISO* 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001 Authorized technician in the field - land buildings. Authorized Health and Safety Coordinator. Licensed engineer in the field - land buildings. All turnkey constructions: - industrial, residential and civil. Reconstruction. Construction work: -HSV*, PSV*: -masonry, ...

Work: - green maintenance, reclamation - orchard and gardening work - container road transport - earthworks.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: -freight: -AVIA container + hydraulic arm -LIAZ clutch + hydraulic arm - JCB tractor excavator - belt digger

Carpentry work. Production: -kitchen -inbuilt wardrobe Services: - road transport -migration

Services: - domestic and international transport - moving - sale of chopped firewood and briquettes

Car bazaar, sale: - personal cars Importation: - cars from abroad. Towing service Haulage. Service: - all mechanical work - plumbing work - painting work - car electrical works including diagnostics - preparation and execution of technical inspection.

Services: - international truck transport - domestic truck transport - shipping - transport of dangerous goods ADR - truck service - truck washing line