Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - freight.

Services: -freight transportation of machinery and equipment -removal of rubble and waste - scrap metal Delivery, sale: -sand -gravel -cobbles

Work: - high-lift platform - ground work. Transport: -freight-AVIA L30, AVIA containers.

Services: -national and international transportation of goods - forwarding - logistics Wholesale, retail, sales: -coal

Services: -road diagnostics -project Office -haulage

Sale: - briquettes with excellent calorific value - ornamental stones for gardens. Services: -truck transport -drink''n''drive transport in Brno.

Construction work. Ground pressures. Rehabilitation work - rehabilitation of masonry. Reconstruction of industrial, water and engineering buildings. Freight transport up to 8 tons. Sale of building materials. Carpentry and carpentry production.

Services: - domestic and international truck transport - transport of full-load, collection and piece consignments - transport of refrigerated goods - transport of dangerous goods according to ADR

Services: - international and domestic road transport - forwarding - storage

Truck transport: - national, - international, - 60 trucks. Personal transport. Car rental.

Services: - domestic and international road transport - shipping - ADR transport - storage

Services: - earthworks - truck transport - removal of rubble and waste - demolition - delivery, installation of septic tank, cesspool - rental of compaction equipment

Services: - domestic and international road transport

Road transport: - excavator, digger - dump truck - container - hydraulic arm Purchase, sale, repairs: - trucks, passenger cars - construction machinery Work: - earthy Establishment of buildings. Borrowing: - construction machinery - compressor - thump - hand roller - tools

Realization of flat and sloping roofs. Earthwork. Road transport - transportation of bulk materials. Crane work.

Services: - international and domestic freight transport - forwarding

We operate international and domestic shipping. We deal with freezer and refrigerated transport.

Bus and freight transport, road transport: - comprehensive services in the field of transport - rent - luxury foreign buses for 45 and 49 people - Karosa tour buses for 45 people - Karosa tour buses for 60 people, 20 - minibuses for 17, 8 people - personal cars - We drive an Iveco box with an electric front for half the price load ...

Azto transport: Transport, road transport: - cargo - national (domestic) - international - express transport of small parcels - forwarding and customs services - moving. Place of business: Area of former military barracks Opatovice nad Labem

Services, transport: - shipping - logistics - sea transport - rail and road transport

Services: - domestic and international truck transport

Services - storage - international and domestic transport of full truck loads and unit shipments - express shipping - logistics