International shipping can be realized by road using trucks, but also rail, air or ships. All types of transports offers transportation of bulk, liquid and solid substances, containers, pallets and hazardous substances.

We specialize in providing services in the field of truck transport. Our company offers customers quality and reliable services in the field of truck transport. We focus on domestic and international freight transport in EU countries. We are also engaged in forwarding activities. Our vehicle fleet is equipped with modern DAF vehicles and ...

Services: - international road Transport - forwarding of fresh and frozen foods - freight forwarding

Services: - national and international freight transport

Services: - national and international road haulage - forwarding Accommodations: - cottage Horní Polubný 57 tel .: 601 563 586

Services: - international and domestic trucking - transport of hazardous materials (ADR) - transport of refrigerated and frozen goods - washing line Gas station: Havlickuv Brod, Lidicka 1983 Branches: Havlíčkův Brod tel .: 569 427 571 Brno phone: 775 432 281

Services: - national and international road transport - earthworks - crane work - demolition - recycling of construction debris - mud removal and repairs of water management facilities Construction activity, construction: - family houses - industrial buildings

Services: - domestic and international road transport - shipping - ADR transport - storage

Services: - domestic and international road transport

Services - container transport - domestic, international freight transport - moving

Services - road motor transport - moving - storage - assembly of goods Car repair shop, car service - repair of motor vehicles - car paint shop - car repair work

International shipping. Forwarding, forwarding and logistics services. Representation in customs proceedings. Truck transport up to 3.5 tons. Goods transport.

Preparatory and finishing construction work. Crane work up to 20 tons. Haulage: - domestic, national road transport - foreign, international road transport.

Activity: - logistics - transportation of food - international road Transport. - ecology.

Storage - customs services International transport of parcels International road transport International and domestic forwarding

Services: - bus service. - domestic and international freight transport.

Road transport. Road motor transport: -freight.

Our services: - international, domestic road transport - crane works - moving services.