Foreign freight transport

International shipping can be realized by road using trucks, but also rail, air or ships. All types of transports offers transportation of bulk, liquid and solid substances, containers, pallets and hazardous substances.

Pavel Ešner

Autodoprava - nákladní - vnitrostární - nakládání a přemísťování materiálu Jeřábnické práce manipulace s břemeny do hmotnosti 20t - práce paletovacími vidlemi Práce hydraulickým bouracím kladivem Zemní práce - demoliční práce - veškeré výkopové práce - terénní úpravy - skrývky ornice Stavební montáže Úpravy rybníků a koryt řek

Nagel Česko s.r.o.

The company Nagel Česko s.r.o. member of the Nagel-Group is one of the leading logistics providers in Europe. We focus on the transport of refrigerated goods in all temperature ranges from the lowest temperatures of -25 ° C to +25 ° C. We distribute goods fresh, accurately and quickly according to your requirements. We offer complete logistics services, we provide individual advice on a suitable…

Vratislav Drábek

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with the largest permitted weight exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods, - passenger operated by vehicles intended for the transport of no more than 9 people, including the driver Road vehicle repairs -Wholesale and retail -Storage, packaging of goods, cargo handling and technical…