International shipping can be realized by road using trucks, but also rail, air or ships. All types of transports offers transportation of bulk, liquid and solid substances, containers, pallets and hazardous substances.

Services: - foreign freight and delivery transport - packaging, packaging service - storage - installation of advertisements

Services: - international road Transport

Services: - national and international trucking

JAS FORWARDING (Czech) - entry point of JAS Worldwide clients into the Central and Eastern Europe - international forwarding and logistics. Services: Airfreigt, air transport: -air and express cargo -export, import consolidations -charters -"door to door". Ocean freight, carriage by sea: -LCL -FCL -Independent ocean freight ...

Services: -customs declaration -international removals -transportation of works of art and entire exhibitions -domestic and international automobile transport -air and sea transport: -representation of shipping companies: -Holland Maas Lontainer Line BV -Holland Maas Shipping BV -W.E.C. Lines -car registration -specialist ...

The company Panalpina Czech s.r.o. provides forwarding services and their solutions. It offers comprehensive air, sea and road transport services on 6 continents. Panalpina also provides all logistics, warehousing, distribution and customs services. Panalpina operates in more than 75 countries around the world and in other 90 countries it ...

Services: - in the field of logistics, customs issues - international trucking

National and international truck transport.


The company Centrum palet, s.r.o. with its activities it focuses on the production, sale, purchase and service of wooden pallets, atypical pallets, europallets, crates and pens. We are also authorized to perform IPPC heat treatment. Furthermore, our company deals with the sale and purchase of plastic pallets, MARS metal boxes, metal pallets and ...

Trucking Container trucking International and domestic transport of piece and full truckload shipments throughout Europe Trucking

Road motor transport by trucks and sets with a load capacity of up to and over 3.5 t in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe.

Services: - national, international road haulage - logistics - storage.

Services: - international road Transport - storage - forwarding - tire service - air conditioning maintenance - car service. Business Žižkova 1077 256 01 Benešov u Prahy Dispatching +420 607 737 311 +420 602 241 350 +420 724 065 703 Tire service Service +420 606 616 511

Services: - logistics - international freight transport - storage - outsourcing - agency and brokerage services - customs procedure. Mailing address: Supíkovice 7 790 51 Supíkovice

Services: - national and international road transport - Customs declaration - storage - logistics - gas station

Our company operates in all key areas of forwarding activities and draws on rich experience, especially in: - air transport - sea transport - international trucking - container continental transport.

Shipping goods around the world: - haulage - sea transport - air Transport

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with the largest permitted weight not exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods.

Transport services, transportation: - truck transport - truck - aviation - maritime - railway - storage - customs services

Services - domestic and international truck transport - personal transport - forwarding - logistics - storage.

Activity: - domestic and international truck transport up to 1.5t - cargo space for 4 euro pallets

Services: - foreign truck transport - forwarding

Naval transport: - high-quality and fast shipping to and from all over the world - FCL and LCL container shipments - all types of containers - cooperation with all shipping lines - direct connection with the shipping agent's agents - contract forwarder in Hamburg and Koper - connection to the worldwide LCL service.