International shipping can be realized by road using trucks, but also rail, air or ships. All types of transports offers transportation of bulk, liquid and solid substances, containers, pallets and hazardous substances.

Services: - rail transport - air freight - Naval transport - land transport.

Services - international road Transport - parcel transport.

International and domestic forwarding Shipping -road, rail, container and combined transport Customs declaration -representation in customs proceedings -security of customs debt, NCTS -INTRASTAT Warehousing, distribution -warehouses, free customs zone -logistics services -issuance and listing of documents -management of the ...

Services: - international road Transport - oversized shipments - ADR transport - Just in time - forwarding.

Services - international and domestic freight transport.

Services - international and domestic freight transport - transport of goods and motor vehicles.

Services: -international forwarding -internal distribution -warehousing -central warehouse -crosss-docking -customs services -added value services -logistics for automobile industry. 1. International forwarding, transport: -road haulage -rail transport -air transport -sea transport, river transport -combined transportation: ...

Production, sales - PPE, personal protective equipment - work shoes, work clothes, gloves, hearing protection. Services - international road Transport - logistics.

Services: - international road freight transport - specialization Spain.

Services - national and international forwarding - haulage.

National and international road freight transport. Courier service.

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding

Haulage: -national -international -transport of bulky loads -logistics services.

Services: - international road transport - forwarding - logistics

Trucking: - international, national - oversized transport Services: - towing service - repair, service of trucks.

Car service, emissions: -motor vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks -all mechanical work -measurement of emissions of petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG -emissions, trucks, tractors, buses -sale and exchange of Total oils -change of filters, operating fluids -sale AD BLUE -diagnostics of control units - passenger and freight -Alfa Romeo, Audi, ...

Services: - international and domestic trucking - transport of hazardous materials (ADR) - transport of refrigerated and frozen goods - washing line Gas station: Havlickuv Brod, Lidicka 1983 Branches: Havlíčkův Brod tel .: 569 427 571 Brno phone: 775 432 281

Trucking: - transport of bulk, bulk materials. Repair, service: - lorries - semi - trailers, trailers - personal cars - motorcycles. Towing service: - tel .: 606 720 707

Services: - national and international road transport - earthworks - crane work - demolition - recycling of construction debris - mud removal and repairs of water management facilities Construction activity, construction: - family houses - industrial buildings

Services: -domestic road transport -international road transport.

The company Jiří Přibyl focuses on providing services in the field of domestic and international bus and minibus passenger transport. Our next activity is road freight transport, both domestic and foreign within the European Union. You will find the headquarters of our company in Hořovice. Offer of services of our company: - bus transport by ...

Services: - national and international road transport - forwarding

Trucking - international and domestic trucking - transport in ADR + GMP mode.