Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - transportation of wood - transportation of round wood and wood chips - domestic and foreign road transport - domestic and international rail transport - domestic and international truck transport - transportation of bulk materials - specialization - Central Europe.

Road transport and delivery services: -domestic freight transport i foreign - transport up to 3.5t, over 3.5t also by truck - cargo insurance -passenger transportation. Commercial vehicle, trailer rental.

Road transport: - private transport medical service - passenger transport, ambulances, ambulance transport - transport of patients and immobile persons.

Buildings: -engineering and construction of facilities for foreign investors - engineering constructions, including technical ones amenities - industrial buildings, halls, warehouses -residential and civil buildings - family houses on a turnkey basis -transportation construction - complete construction supplies - internal and ...

Road transport, transportation: - international, national - truck, freight.

Construction activity including PSV: -construction of new buildings -reconstruction -ground work -engineering constructions. Production: -steel constructions -aluminum remote rolling shutters control -aluminum window blinds -winter gardens -water supply material sleeves with cast iron lock for repair, damaged pipes, drilling repair ...