Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Agrodružstvo Brťov-Lipůvka is mainly engaged in plant and animal production. The mechanization department provides mechanization work for plant production, animal production and other operations of the company. We grow apples, pears and rhubarb in the fruit growing sector. In the area in Lipůvka, there is a retail store, the assortment of which ...

Transport: -personal bus -freight -Freight forwarding. Work: -ground -demolition. Sale: -fuels. Coal warehouse. Business activity. 516 474 100 trucking sale of fuels 516 475 295 516 477 207 Velke Opatovice 218

We provide: - transportation construction - earthworks and demolition - haulage - agriculture

Agriculture. Agricultural Cooperative (ZD). Agricultural production: - vegetable (cereals, oilseeds, roots, fodder crops, grass seed production) - animal. Breeding, sale: - cattle (dairy cows) - pigs - poultry. Slaughterhouse. Meat processing: - pork halves. Metalworking. Car service, service, car repair, repair: - ...

We provide domestic and international transport with refrigerated trucks up to 24 tons and delivery for retail with refrigerated delivery vehicles. Each vehicle is equipped with a digital thermometer to check the temperature of the goods being loaded. We will deliver the cargo across the EU to the agreed location according to the customer's ...

Construction company TUFÍR, spol. s r.o. operates in the districts of Uherské Hradiště and Zlín as a rental of construction tools, construction machinery, construction and garden machinery and equipment. Rental, lending, rental: -construction tools -construction technology, mechanization: -vibration plates and rammers -submersible ...

- excavations of all foundations for the construction of family houses, garages, fences, etc. - excavations for all utilities (water, gas, sewers, cesspools, sewers, heat pumps ......) - excavations for driveways, sidewalks - spreading of materials - landscaping of the land - loading and unloading of materials with palletizing forks - ...

Gas installation work Heating works Plumbing work Road transport up to 3.5 T

Concrete plant, concrete mix Kolín, Kutná Hora Production, sale and import:  - mortar  - concrete (wet, concrete)  - sand - roughness 04  - regrind - roughness 8-16.  - regrind - roughness 4-8 Prices: concrete - 1000 - 2000, - CZK without VAT mortar - 1000, -CZK excl. VAT. Container transport. Removal of rubble and waste Working ...

The company AUKO Poděbrady - Martin Houžvička provides road transport, container rental, earthworks and demolition work, machine excavations, landscaping, construction site transport of materials, sale of aggregates and concrete mixtures. In the winter months for cleaning and snow removal. Services: - road transport - container transport ...

Road transport: - road motor transport -freight.

Company JC Trans, s.r.o. has provided its services in the field of domestic and international bus and truck transport since 1999. We emphasize individual approach, professionalism, reliability and above all safety in the transport of persons and cargo. You can therefore order buses for a trip or trip without any worries. Bus transportation:  - ...