Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: -ground and excavation work -electric -telecommunication -wholesale and retail -transport.

Among the main activities of Polanský AB s.r.o. includes national, international trucking and biomass processing. We sell wood chips and firewood. We are based in Pacov. Trucking: - truck transport - international transport by tarpaulin semi-trailers - domestic road transport with large-volume semi-trailers with sliding ...

Activity - road transport, transport of bulk materials - sale of fuels - service, repairs of trucks, cars and commercial vehicles.

Activity: - earthworks, excavation work - landscaping - demolition - import of soil, sand.

Production and processing: - saw, wood, wood - construction lumber, roof, roofs (prisms, beams, laths, boards, beams) - carpentry lumber - fence boards - chopped firewood, wood - pallets. Road transport: - special transport of logs. Services: - grinding of saws, saws, cutters, cutters - drying of lumber, wood - chipping of ...

Services: - transportation of excessive loads

Work: -demolition - ground work -recycling - height work - mobile cranes Construction, construction: - operational objects - technological units -communication -utilities Services: -national and international truck transport

The Hopi logistics division provides comprehensive services, in particular disposal, receipt, storage, commissioning and dispatch of goods, delivery, statistics, handling of complaints and circulation of returnable packaging. It uses modern logistics technologies for all these operations. Extensive own freight transport (currently more than 100 ...

Services: -national and international transport

Transportation of materials - up to 5t - Avie container car with a payload of up to 5t Demolition work Earth and excavation work with a Volvo crawler mini excavator with a reach of 3.8 m

- earthworks and excavations - construction and design activities - garden architecture - container transport Free consultation and preparation of a price offer

Road freight transport. Road transport. Residence: Železniční 281, 289 12, Třebestovice