Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

International transport and forwarding: - we transport costs up to a weight of 24 t and a volume of 106 m3

Carpentry, roofing, plumbing, locksmithing Tinsmithing, roofing, carpentry work. Complete realization, reconstruction, construction, roof repairs, roof. Sales, assembly: -Volux roof windows -roofing Bramac, Betonpres, Tondach, Onduline, Lindab -plate, sheet metal roofing -troughs, gutters-copper, galvanized -lining of chimneys. Velux ...

International and domestic truck forwarding, collection service, air and sea forwarding, warehousing and customs declarations. Logistics services, warehousing, freight forwarding. Transport-forwarding by trucks, planes, by sea. 235 centers in the world, 28, 7 million shipments, 6,800 transport units.

The transport company S.I.T.S. Zlín specializes in above-standard, oversized, excessive costs, specifically excessive transport is focused on the transport of residential containers and mobile homes. For the transport of long loads, we have telescopic, extendable semi-trailers. We also transport agricultural machinery, metallurgical materials, ...

Road transport: -land road freight transport -international trucking -road transport.

Quality management system according to ISO 9002. Holder of a safety certificate reliability of the organization according to the law No. 148/98 Coll. on the protection of classified facts. ---------------------------------------- Specialization: -transport-radioactive substances, including shipments to a permit under the Decree ...

Services, processing: -storage. Road transport, transport, transportation: -combined container transport: -international (foreign) and national (domestic).

Transportation and logistics - road transport - national, domestic - forwarding, mining - haulage - transportation of parcels - logistics - storage - sale of PHM - motor vehicle repairs Diagnostics and education - assessment, development center in transport companies - traffic-psychological examination of drivers - driver ...

International road Transport: - piece shipments - bulk transport - flatbed and isothermal semi-trailers -ADR transportation of dangerous goods - transport of frozen food. Forwarding.

Road transport: - haulage - international.

Company Collect Spedition s.r.o. from Břeclav deals with forwarding and international truck transport. We provide logistics and shipments, especially to England and Belgium. We provide forwarding - trouble-free delivery of goods to several European countries. We primarily focus on the organization of goods transport to and from England and ...