Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Customs services - customs clearance - storage Transportation - piece shipments Logistics International and domestic trucking Forwarding.

Haulage - national - up to 20t Sale - sand Earthwork

International and domestic truck transport Courier service Logistics Excessive traffic International and domestic forwarding

Domestic road transport Machining - rubber products

Road transport Domestic and interstate trucking. Freight road transport.

Sale: -fuels, - construction costs. Haulage.

Truck transport - transportation of bulk materials by tank vehicles - up to 3.5t Disposal - wastes Business activity Demolition Minor earthworks and landscaping - UNC 060 machines, skid loader, TATRA T815 Construction preparations

Road transport: - national and international 24 t - transport of refrigerated goods.

Transport: - international and domestic freight - transport up to 3.5t.

Road transport: -earthworks (ZP), CASE backhoe loader, CATERPILAR rotary excavator. Container transport, MAN 5t container: -import of sand, gravel, soil, recycled materials, concrete... -removal and storage of construction debris, household waste, municipal waste, soil, etc. - transportation of construction mechanisms weighing up to 5 ...

Transport: - truck international - national. Forwarding.

Offer of international freight transport up to 3.5 tons

Agricultural production: - provision of services for agriculture and horticulture - retail business operated outside regular establishments - rental and lending of movable property - operation of gas stations with fuels and lubricants - road motorized freight transport - personal road motor transport.

Road transport: - truck international road transport - shipping - excessive costs - special costs.

Comprehensive and professional services in the field of international shipping and storage.

Excavation work. Construction work. Reconstruction and repair of objects.

Road transport - containers Demolition work Earthwork Construction work Designs and projections of gardens, parks, public greenery - establishing garden ponds..

Operation of international transport and forwarding. Transportation of dangerous goods according to ADR..

Construction company. Buildings: - construction of new buildings - reconstruction-housing cores, buildings - insulation and construction of the facade - attic buildings - plasterboard - jointless masonry, classic masonry - plasters - tiling - reconstruction of bathroom cores. Transport, road transport: - transportation of bulk ...