Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services, transport: - transport, road transport (international, domestic) - aviation - maritime - container - forwarding and logistics - Courier services - storage - towing service

Production, delivery, sale: - concrete - concrete pumping - blocks - sand, gravel Services: - earthworks - truck transport - car service, car repair shop - height work

Services: - domestic, international freight transport - logistics, forwarding - courier transport - transportation of excessive loads - storage - ground and excavation work

Road transport, transportation: - domestic and international road transport - crane works. Repairs: - cars.

Services: - domestic truck transport.

Road transport, transport, transportation: - building material -freight: -LIAZ with hydraulic arm -AVIA with sail, flatbed -P-V3S, truck crane, truck mixer. Work: - ground, excavation.

Truck transport - national - up to 50t Earth and excavation works

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - special and excessive costs: - construction machinery -forestry, municipal and agricultural machinery -steel constructions - wood, building material.

Road transport, earthworks and demolition.

Construction company: - buildings - maintenance, repairs. Freight transport, road transport. Business activity.

Car dealership Sale - car accessories Security - MOT Truck transport Providing - car leasing

In our company, we specialize in trucking with the use of manual cars. Our trucks are equipped with a hydraulic arm for easy handling of heavy loads

A subsidiary of ST GROUP, a.s. Road transport, transportation: - cargo (truck) - national, international - transportation: - refrigerated vehicles - dangerous goods according to ADR - bulk materials in tanks, tipping trailers - forwarding - the possibility of providing air, ship, rail transport - parcel service, courier ...

Car dealership. - used cars, used cars. Road freight domestic (domestic) transport.

Forwarding, shipping, transport, transportation: - domestic -international -freight - road - express transport - regular routes.

Road transport: - international trucking - specialization Great Britain and transportation of goods to other EU countries, Switzerland and Russia. Tarpaulin semi-trailers and tarpaulin bulk sets, freezer semi-trailers, coil semi-trailers, ADR transports,

International express transport of parcels throughout Europe, England, Ireland. Special shipments just in time. Express transport, forwarding. Courier services - express transport of parcels. International, foreign freight transport up to 12 tons, truck transport up to 24 tons, deliveries up to 3.5 tons.