Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: -truck transport - washing machine for returnable packaging

Services - bus transport, passenger transport - truck transport

Transportation of excessive loads. - including permits in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Transport by semi-trailer, length of goods up to 20 meters (extending semi-trailer) Ensuring the authorization of excessive costs of the Czech Republic and SK, including van accompanying vehicles (with permission) Domestic and international ...

Services: - domestic and international bus transport - domestic and international freight transport

Truck transport: -national, international.

Road transport. Express transport of goods in cold stores.

Work: -ground. -excavation. -demolition. - bringing the container. - transportation of bulk materials. Rental: -earth machines.

Road transport, services: -international, domestic transportation of food refrigerated/freezer vehicles.

Storage Logistics Haulage - domestic up to 24t Sale - colors - varnishes - tiling - paving stones - building materials.

Haulage Production - building stone - tiling - paving stones Sale of building materials.

Services: - road transport - removal of faeces - earthworks - cleaning of apartments, cellars, attics

Road transport: - domestic -international -migration.

Crafts, services - surface treatments by spraying, painting, sanding - CAMAXIT powder coating - recycling of raw materials by pressing into briquettes, packets, crushing Recycling, sale, redemption - metals - secondary materials - hazardous waste processing Container transport

Domestic delivery and freight transport of cars over 3.5 tons. Moving services.

Services: - scrap metal - container transport

Services: - container transport Wholesale, retail, sale: -sand -calculus

Services: - shipping - freight, rail and air transport to Russia - customs services

Services: -international and domestic container transport