Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Transport: -freight international.

Road transport: -international and domestic transport -forwarding, logistics - transportation of parcels - transport up to 8 people. Services: -experts of advertising prints -storage.

Road transport. Forestry activity (forestry work, wood trade).

Services: - truck transport. Repair, service: -lorries. Sale: -sand, gravel. Fuel filling station.

Work: -earth and excavation work Services: - truck transport

Construction work: - ground work Services: - truck transport

CAR TRANSPORT - domestic freight transport - domestic truck transport - international transport, road transport - transportation of unit shipments, shipment delivery - transportation of parcels, deliveries - domestic transport of individual and full-load consignments - freight transport, transport - transport of parcels, transport of ...

- road, freight transport - forwarding and logistics services.

Services: - domestic and international truck transport

Truck transport - international Forwarding

Road transport, road transport, logistics. -international road Transport -forwarding, forwarding activity -domestic transport and forwarding -realization of the transport of a tarpaulin, box vehicle. Provision of transport, transport throughout Europe. Customs clearance. We have the following fleet: vehicles with a useful weight of up ...

Removal and disposal of building materials. Demolition work Plasterboard works Tiling works Reconstruction and modernization of apartments. Masonry work

Services: -international and domestic truck transport

Autobazar possibility of purchase on leasing or credit Sale - tires Fleet management Truck transport

Domestic freight transport. - folding by conveyor Delivery - coal - coke - peat and lignite briquettes - sawdust briquettes

Road transport - domestic freight transport - passenger, cargo or express throughout the Czech Republic - small transport by passenger cars

Services: - logistics -national and international road transport - delivery, cargo, truck transport

Car rental Cleaning car interiors Towing service Bazaar of construction machinery Storage Logistics International and domestic transport Migration

Mediation of transport services and crane work work with a high-lift platform.

Excavation and earthworks. Earth and excavation works: - overburden, foundations, sewerage, reclamation - precise excavations for laying pipes - laying of distribution lines, inclusion and leveling of the terrain. Demolition and demolition work: - mechanical demolition of buildings - removal of demolished material. Road transport: - ...

Commercial and intermediary activities, transportation of goods. Sale - retention baskets for tanks against fuel theft