Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Services: - foreign truck transport - forwarding

Transport of wood, timber, lumber within the Czech Republic, transport of rodlike components of a bigger length is possible. Transportation within the whole Czech Republic. Car fleet: -33430 for short cutouts 2-5m -MAN 26 464 with a hydraulic arm 2-8m -IVECO MAGIRUS MP 260 with a hydraulic arm - range 9 m -loading capacity: V-KRAN 2080 ...

Autodroprava Vrábek: - domestic and international transport up to 3.5t - extraction of vehicles up to 7.5t - vehicle rental.

Services: - domestic and international truck transport Car rental.

Road transport, road freight transport. International and domestic truck transport. Since the beginning, we have specialized in refrigerated transport, especially connecting Central Europe and Italy. Road transport, forwarding. Complete service. Transport of fast-moving goods (food, fruit, vegetables) A fleet of 13 trucks with FRIGO ...

Truck transport - domestic transport of goods.

Services - truck transport - debris and waste removal - demolition - earthworks.

Truck transport. International transport up to 25t from the Moravia-Slezko region. Export - Import CZ-Italy-CZ.

Services - container freight transport - transportation of bulk building materials.

Services: - international road Transport - earthworks - storage - accommodation Car service, car repair shop: - cars and trucks

Activity: - road transport, (Avia A31).

Services - domestic freight transport - transportation of bulk materials.

Domestic and international freight transport

Sale: - sand - gravel - duckling Services: - removal and disposal of waste - container transport - earthworks - rental of construction machinery

Services: - container transport - ground and excavation work

Services: - lighting and sound system for cultural events, concerts, entertainment, balls, parades, conferences - stages - domestic road transport by box truck Production: - transport case, packaging not only for sound and lighting equipment

Services: - truck transport - transportation of bulk materials

Services - national and international forwarding - road car transport - bookkeeping - processing of wages and tax returns.

Activity: - domestic and international truck transport - transportation of liquid hot asphalt in special tanks - transportation of bulk materials - storage

Transport, road transport: - truck - international and domestic -forwarding, forwarding activity.

Technical inspection station - STK Zlín-Malenovice: -cars and trucks, tractors tel.: 577105353, 577106927 - Mr. Hujíček. STK Staré Město: - phone: 737762222, 721724356 - Mr. Pospíšil. Emission measurement station: -passenger cars - gasoline engines + LPG Phone: 723151878, 577104486 - cars and trucks. - diesel engines ...

Services in the field of road transport within the Czech Republic and the European Union