Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Truck transport up to 3.5 tons: - international, foreign - national, domestic. Services: - transport, transport of parcels, goods. Shipping and representation in customs procedures

Passenger transport, courier service throughout the Czech Republic.

Air and ground transport of packages and pallets, express or economic delivery. Nonstop courier. Cost reduction and cooperation with couriers DHL, UPS, TNT, Fedex. Custom logistics. Export - import. Service from A - Z. Courier with many benefits! Manufacture and sale of patented bar stools, bar stools -suitable also for bars, music clubs, ...

Taxi service. Courier shipping. Courier.

Dispatch service: -international -inland. Forwarding. Transport: -haulage 1-25 tons. Hauling: -from the minimum size to 23 tons. Car repair service: -Nove Mesto na Morave, Soskova 660 -tel.: +420-566618232 Repairing: -lorries/ trucks -all motor vehicles. Customs declaration. Sale: -diving equipment -tel.: ...