Air transport takes care of transporting people and cargo. Using aircraft, it is possible to transport almost any kind of shipment, from small postal packages via standard delivery to an oversized costs. Air transport of goods and people is a fast and extremely safe.

Freight transport - forwarding, logistics, transport: - domestic, domestic - foreign, international all over the world (especially Italy, Germany, Benelux, France, Poland and others) - air, sea. Warehousing, storage, including stock records, logistics services (distribution of shipments and distribution - Customs declaration - ADR ...

Service: -international express service -air dispatch service -worldwide service -desk-to-desk -mail-order service -courier -delivery -parcel -transport -transportation -motor transport -general cargo -express transport -express transport system SPRINT, EuroExpress, EURAPID -general cargo, package shipment -internal ...

Forwarding, transport, logistics: - piece and collective consignments - air and sea shipments - customs services - complex logistics projects.

Airports and air services - services at the airport - for pilots - airport operations - biological protection

Air Transport Naval transport Transport - freight - ground transportation

Logistics services - air freight transport - shipping by sea - road transport - storage and distribution

Transport, door to door transport, Shipping: - domestic (domestic) and foreign (international) piece goods goods, delivery of parcels - road freight transport - air Transport - sorting of shipments and their delivery according to the customer's time availability - customs declaration and representation in customs proceedings.

Sale: - plane tickets - daily favorable ticket prices - easy and quick access to free seats on the plane.