Total sport Pink s.r.o.
The company Total sport Pink s.r.o. runs a store with a focus on skiing, running and golf.
The company Total sport Pink s.r.o. runs a store with a focus on skiing, running and golf.
Czech online store with a focus on selling sportswear from local Czech manufacturers. The range includes clothing and shoes for outdoor, running and cycling. Sale of city bikes and children's bikes. fitness equipment.
WAKELIFT s.r.o. specializes in the production, sale, transport, installation and commissioning of lifts for water skiing and wakeboarding.
Online store with paddleboard and surfing equipment. We sell SUP paddles, clothing and accessories.
The company GolfUp s.r.o. focuses on the sale of golf equipment, clothing and accessories of well-known brands such as Adidas, Puma and others.
Dream Dive s.r.o. specializes in diving courses, service and rental of related equipment and runs an e-shop with diving equipment.
Height work: - sealing and impregnation of panels - coating of roofs and structures - installation of advertisements - removal of snow, ice and icicles - gutter cleaning - washing windows. Repairs: - chimneys. - expansion joints. Demolition: - chimneys - buildings. Plumbing work. E-shop, sales: - equipment for combat sports. Stone shop.
Services: -rental of boats, boating equipment: -plastic canoes, kayaks, boat bags. Organizing: -school boating courses. Berounka boat rental.
Pilates. Aerobic. Indoor cycling.
Travel agency Sale - plane tickets Diving courses (diving base Bohemia and Thailand) Sale - equipment for diving Rental - equipment for diving
Sale: - sports equipment for floorball
Production, sale and rental - hovercraft Hovercraft pilot training Sale - hovercraft for the Czech Republic Rental - hovercraft (for individuals and companies) Production - hovercraft for the Czech Republic
E-shop - diving equipment Courses - diving - diving equipment Rental - diving equipment
Online store, e-shop, rental office: -helmet, onboard cameras. -helmet cameras.
Realitní činnost Restaurace Sportovní hala Půjčovna - veškeré sportovní vybavení
Kemp - kapacita 12 čtyřlůžkových chatek Penzion** - kapacita 30 lůžek Restaurace - kapacita 50 osob - letní zahrádka - letní grill Solárium Fitness centrum Sauna - masážní vana Sportovní areál - beach volejbal - nohejbal
Společnost RKN DiveTech, s.r.o. se kromě výroby a vývoji vybavení pro potápěče věnuje třískovému obrábění kovů a plastů a lehké zámečnické výrobě. Firma zajišťuje povrchové úpravy a tepelné zpracování.
Solárium Posilovna Aerobic sál
Lanový park - skalní lezení - horská kola - lukostřelba - vodní sporty - kiting - icebreakery
Technical services for the protection of property and people Assembly, revision, service - electrical security device Audits, inspections and tests - ropeways - electrical equipment - ski lifts - electrical equipment UTZ, VTZ up to 1000V - lightning rods
Lyžařský vlek Lyžařská a snowboardová škola Půjčovna - lyže - snowboardy
Sportovní relaxační centrum
Sportovní areál Výroba a opravy - stroje na výrobu textilií a oděvních výrobků