Do you need help with the cleaning of the apartment, house, offices, companies, spaces for moving, schools, commercial space, or need to clean up after construction? Invite you to each cleaning team who will take care of the maintenance and cleaning of objects, spaces and surfaces of all types.

Services: -cleaning work - cleaning services -painting and varnishing works -plant care

Sales, repair, service: - cleaning technology - communal technology Cleaning services.

Private security service: - security of property and people - detective services - cleaning services

Services, cleaning: - plasters - interlocking tiles - roofs - wooden structures - outdoor tiles - petrol pumps, industrial halls - water jet blasting - reconstruction and insulation

Services: -plant care - felling trees - pruning trees -garden designs Sale: -wood Work: -high -cleaning

Services: - DDD - extermination, disinfection, disinsection - impregnation of wood, masonry - cleaning services

Cleaning work - panel houses - offices - schools - banks