You don't have time to clean? Take advantage of cleaning services including window washing, staircases and mirrors, cleaning of carpets, floors and seats, dusting, ironing, washing dishes, general cleaning of bathrooms and kitchens, disinfection and impregnation of surfaces and other necessary services.

Cleaning services - cleaning of households, companies, common areas - washing windows - carpet cleaning.

Security and cleaning services - physical security of buildings - reception services - personal protection - debt collection - cleaning of households, offices and production halls - washing windows. Branch - address: Římská 45, 120 00 Prague 2 Vinohrady - B. Smetany 2578 / 11a, 370 01 České Budějovice.

We offer pest control (rodent control, disinsection, disinfection), protection against pigeons and clearing, including risky cleaning. We guarantee the successful extermination of pests and the quality of all services provided.

The company KD Pragma, a.s. was founded in 1998, when it continued its business activities with Pragma s.r.o. operating on the market since 1996 with the same subject of business. It is a specialized company whose main business is to ensure the technical and energy operation of buildings and cleaning work. The activity is provided by its own team ...

Providing comprehensive cleaning services.

Complete cleaning services. Services: -cleaning work - households, offices, companies -regular and one-time cleanings -washing windows, shop windows -machine floor washing -carpet cleaning, upholstery -washing, ironing, almonding -domestic activity -hand car wash -cleaning of car interiors. Sales, service, rental: -KÄRCHER cleaning ...

Cooperative for the disabled, former Minardinis company. We employ more than 50% of employees with disabilities - disabled people and we have created sheltered jobs in all categories of our activities. Services: - cleaning service, guarding the premises - inspection and packaging of products supplied directly by manufacturers, eg TOKOZ, VEBA ...

Butterfly Agency. Services: - babysitting in households - regular, one-time - care for the elderly (complete service) - household services - care of the house and garden.

Among the activities of JOHUR s.r.o. include metal finishing, engineering work, cleaning services and we also run an employment agency. In these areas we can offer you a wide range of services and works. We are located in the town of Vysoké Mýto, district of Ústí nad Orlicí. Surface treatment of metals: - dry sandblasting - chemical paint ...

Activity - maintenance of greenery, mowing the grass - maintenance of watercourses, modifications of riverbed reservoirs - earthworks - sanance - painting and varnishing work - cleaning services.

Cleaning services - House cleaning - washing windows - general cleaning - shopping.

Teaching and training of group B, fitness driving, training of drivers of reference vehicles, return of driver's license. Cleaning services, both in private and commercial areas, cleaning of family houses, offices, common areas of apartment buildings, window washing, etc.

Services: - cleaning - washing windows - cleaning carpets, upholstered furniture - cleaning of apartments, commercial buildings - garden care.

Cleaning company. Services: - regular and one-time cleaning: - offices, administrative buildings - residential houses - shopping areas - school facilities - buildings after reconstruction - cleaning: - sidewalks, carpets and upholstery - clearing of premises, including waste disposal - washing - windows, shop ...

Cleaning work, administration and maintenance of houses - cleaning of houses, offices - washing windows - Handyman - garden work - painting.

Construction work: - painting, painting - all surface treatments - turnkey delivery of buildings - thermal insulation, reconstruction of facades. Cleaning services.

Services: - cleaning cars, cars - exterior cleaning and paint renovation - cleaning carpets, sofas, beds, mattresses..etc.

Cleaning system: - antibacterial removal of chewing gum, antiviral removal of dirt from floors, equipment and inaccessible places - washing and maintenance of shopping carts, mobile containers - overhaul and service of all commercial equipment.