You don't have time to clean? Take advantage of cleaning services including window washing, staircases and mirrors, cleaning of carpets, floors and seats, dusting, ironing, washing dishes, general cleaning of bathrooms and kitchens, disinfection and impregnation of surfaces and other necessary services.

The company Marcela Dunková s.r.o. performs all cleaning work, one-time and regular cleaning. We also offer masonry and small-scale construction work, earthworks, laying paving and demolition. We operate throughout the South Bohemian region. Work: - all cleaning - one-time cleaning - regular cleaning - washing windows on construction ...

The company is certified according to the European quality standard ISO 9001: 2001. Member of ČKBS (Czech Club of Detective Services). Physical Security Division, tel. 568821820, 605292833, fax .: 568821831: -physical security of objects -transfers of cash -security analysis. Department Store Security Division, Milan Čaněk, Division ...