Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o.
The supplier Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o. provides services in the field of industrial cleaning of large industrial buildings with the help of suction dredgers and high-pressure equipment. We can clean air coolers, distillation columns, piping systems, silos, pressure vessels and heat exchangers. We are located at Vrchlického 600, Lom u Mostu. Jobs, ...
CANNONEER group s.r.o.
CANNONEER group s.r.o. is focused on purchase, processing, treatment and sale of scrap metal. Our other activities include dismantling, demolition of buildings, recycling of rubble, heavy transport and disposal of transformers. You can find our center in Horní Jiřetín. Purchase, purchase, processing, resale:  - scrap metal  - scrap metal, ...
Our services: - translations - interpreting - language school

The technical services of the city of Most ensure the operation and maintenance of the Crematorium and the old city cemetery, including comprehensive funeral services. Services: - transport of the dead throughout the Czech Republic and from abroad funeral farewell throughout the Czech Republic: - with a ceremony in the ceremonial hall - ...

Technical services of the city of Most, manage city property and perform maintenance activities. We manage local roads, including traffic signs and winter and summer maintenance. Furthermore, our activities include the management of public spaces, parks and urban greenery, including urban furniture (benches, trash cans, information and orientation ...

Comprehensive IT services from the implementation of the branch corporate information system ERP QAD, consulting to the system integration of supply, implementation, service, outsourcing and Service Desk Products and services: -ERP SYSTEM QAD Enterprise Applications -planning of corporate resources -APS-Preactor -EDI / ELECTRONIC DATA ...

Services - software development - custom desktop applications - web design - graphic design - SEO optimization.

We create creative graphic works intended for the Internet and traditional media. We will process corporate identities, logos, business cards, flyers, billboards for you. We specialize especially in designs for web presentations, e-shops, banners, flash animations and games.

Real estate broker in the Mosteck region. We help customers with the sale, purchase and rental of real estate.

For more than 15 years, RACIO MOST s.r.o. in the field of technological cleaning and disposal of hazardous waste. The services it provides include technological cleaning of tanks, reservoirs, traps, septic tanks and cesspools. We also provide sewer cleaning, sludge pumping or extraction of dry and loose materials of various types and consistencies ...

Our company Václav Lodl based in the Most district offers its customers comprehensive road motor transport services. We deal with international and domestic transport, which we operate with vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and also with a weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes. We will also ...

Operation of funeral services -Publishing activities, printing production, bookbinding and copying work -Mediation of trade and services -Advisory and consulting activities, elaboration of professional studies and assessments -Wholesale and retail trade -Services in the field of administrative administration and services of organizational and ...

Services - economic and business consulting - marketing, finding new business partners.

The city administration of social services provides support and assistance to users in the form of residential, field and outpatient services. The facilities we operate include homes for the elderly, day hospitals, boarding houses for the elderly, nursing services and a home for the disabled. The headquarters of our organization is located at ...

Services: - Internet connection