Transport services, transportation: - truck transport - truck - aviation - maritime - railway - storage - customs services

Services - domestic and international truck transport - personal transport - forwarding - logistics - storage.

Development, creation: - Mobile application - website

Services - pregnancy and parenting guide - workshops and lectures - conscious and active preparation for motherhood and parenting.

IT and communication services - IT outsourcing - server management - data rescue - IT service.

Trading and marketing company - creation of web presentations - SEO optimization - online marketing - advertising application.

Business project company that designs, prepares and processes internet portals -, and projects.

Services: - lengthening and thickening of eyelashes

Services: - personal development with the EFT method - coaching

Services: - organization and operation of the St. Matthew pilgrimage

Provision of software and consulting in the field of information technology.

Foot and body care center - pedicure - podiatry - pedicure courses.

Services - architectural designs of objects and interiors.

Services - software development - evaluation and management of data on the condition of sewer pipes - connection of data from camera inspections, data on the alignment of shafts.

Services: - proofreading of the Czech text

Services: - Real estate activities - building projections - engineering activity