Language school. Translations and interpretation. phone: 466 615 721; 603 163 629 email:

Photographic work balls, club photos Production - advertising panels - advertising signs and stickers - company cars Production - accessories for graduates and graduates (graduation ribbons, flocked and graduation sashes) adjustments - graduation ribbons - graduation sashes Production - graduation ...

Color processing - photos Production - billboards Production - cut advertising Production - stickers Digital printing (postcards, brochures, business cards, ...) Production - pictures by printing

Counseling, psychological support for people with neurological diseases and other disabled people

Sale - carnival costumes Rental - carnival costumes

Mandeling - laundry - switching off - blankets

Photography studio - portrait and fashion studio photos

Printing - leaflets - brochures - business cards Graphic designs - leaflets - brochures - business cards

Creative and graphic studio Marketing Press production Graphic design - pre-printing preparation

Economic and organizational consulting - strategic management Psychological counseling and diagnostics

Rescue and recovery - data from all kinds of data media - diagnostics

Graphic designs Production - websites Registration - domains

Design activity - interiors Design activity - the field of urban planning - land construction

Advice - development of efficient use of renewable energy sources - for primary producers of waste biomass

Mediation - mortgage and consumer loans Life, accident, car, liability insurance Elaboration of an expert opinion for the purposes of the tax office Sale and rent - apartments - family houses Sale and rent - commercial premises Consulting in the field of real estate - purchase and rental contracts, on ...

Latin - translations Tutoring - Latin preparation for entrance exams to universities of humanities, law including legal logic, psychology, sociology, political science, history Weight reduction Psychological counseling and diagnostics