Services: - psychological counseling - crisis intervention - work with children and adolescents - psychodiagnostic examinations of children and adults focused on memory, intellect, personality

Currently, the engineering office focuses on design work in the field of industrial, energy and heating equipment, measurement and control, machinery technology, cogeneration units, renewable sources, bioelectric and biopower plants and district heating (central heat supply). Processing of input documents for energy audits, processing of proposals ...

I am a real estate broker who has been working in real estate for a long time, and during my internship I have gained a lot of experience, thanks to which I can offer my clients professional and comprehensive services in the world of real estate. My goal is to provide you with the highest quality services. I will help you when selling an ...

We run a luxury solar studio. There are 7 modern solariums. We also offer eyelash extensions using the eyelash-on-eyelash method or body shaping thanks to the modern vibrating platform FLABéLOS. We sell solar cosmetics.

Bambino - private nursery: - for children from 1 year to 3 years - a pleasant home environment - adapting to parents' requirements - physical, mental, work activities.

Cleaning service in Olomouc. They will provide regular and general cleaning, shopping for households. Manual washing and cleaning of vehicles. Hourly husband services.

Collection, recycling Černovír Collection: - purchase of iron and non-ferrous metals - purchase of iron waste. Sale: - plastic products - grass paving, fences, curbs. Exchange of PB (propane-butane) cylinders.

Services: - coaching - supervisor, supervision - personality development counseling - psychological counseling. helps people with disabilities: - online social counseling - debt, civil, psychological counseling - hearing, visual and physical disabilities - e-line (trust line). Organizing courses for people with disabilities: - English and German language for beginners - basics of operating a personal computer - communication ...