You want to sell or buy real estate? Real estate agencies you will enable the sale of apartments, sale of houses, leases, sales of commercial buildings – office space, commercial buildings, warehouses and garages and the sale of land, i.e., building plots, gardens and fields.

Services: - financial advice - crisis management - industrial restructuring - acquisitions and mergers of companies - real estate services

Real estate agency - brokerage office. Real estate activities, business activities. Services: - event preparation - site selection and analysis, specifications necessary documents, surveys and professions - construction proposals - solution concept according to the investor's requirements, preliminary estimate of construction ...

Activity: - purchase, sale of real estate - investment advice - foreign trade.

Renowned Prague real estate agency that provides a complete service for the sale, purchase and lease of residential and commercial real estate. It specializes mainly in the sale of luxury residential real estate and rental of office and warehouse buildings. is a service connecting property owners and those interested in buying or renting them directly and without intermediaries. At, all stores take place without commission and owners and buyers thus save hundreds of thousands of crowns. Selling or renting a property is not as complicated as it may seem at first glance. ...

Real estate and development activities.

Services: - real estate agency - real estate management

Services: - real estate management - Real estate activities

Services: - sale, rental, property management.

Services: - Real estate activities - real estate management