The process of publication of the book allow book publishing, which offers a linguistic proofreading of the text works, price calculation, graphic design services but also marketing services, mainly the sale of books and other artistic works, professional publications, and other genres.

Services in ICT, projects in the area of Performance and Change management. We offer consulting, training and development in quality management and organizational performance. We own unique software for sales, production, external networks, process management, human resources development, document management, motivation, collaboration, ...

Eshop - professional literature Publishing and publishing houses - professional literature

Publishers of medical professional journals: - internal medicine for practice - pediatrics - urology - neurology - clinical pharmacology and pharmacy - health law in practice. Organizing: - congresses and seminars for doctors.

Communication agency. Graphic studio: services: -graphic designs for the visualization of mercantile company materials (logos, business cards, stationery, etc.), as well as for flyers, posters, catalogs, billboards, vehicle decals, advertising items, advertisements, exhibition panels, orientation systems, etc., including the creation of ...

Services: - public relations - PR - editorial work for magazines - organizing events - publishing activity

Publishing house, e-shop: - the literature of the Orient. -textbook of oriental languages.

Publishing: -professional magazines - technical literature

Book publisher, music publisher, film company, art agency. The publishing house is primarily focused on quality neglected fiction. In addition to re-editions of older works of Czech literature, it also publishes news, monographs, travelogues and poetry. In addition to prints, it is systematically presented on CD in a unique series of Club Poetry ...

Educational agency and publishing house. We offer preparation courses for exams, state matriculation, language and professional training. We publish books and CDs for entrance exams and dictionaries.

Services: -Graphic Design -printing -publishing - artistic activity

Publishing: - magazine Magazín 2000 mysteries.

Services: - publishing house E-shop: - books

Publishing house: -professional literature.

Granit publishing house E-shop - books - popular science literature

Publishing: -magazines: -GRAND Reality. -GRAND Car. -GRAND Developer. - GRAND Hospital. -GRAND Generation.

Publishing house and publisher of professional literature. Language dictionaries. Czech spelling rules.

Publishing: - magazine Modern Fortification

Recording studio, music publishing company: -classical music.

Research, design, engineering activities in the field of: -landscape protection and creation. -landscape planning. Publishing house, publishing house.