Are you looking for a pharmacy, tire service or the manufacturer of honey? Information services will facilitate your path for a specific company, because they gather information about all available companies. Call centers, on the contrary they work as a di

Operator of the demand portal Buripoptá

We bring information and news from the world of celebrities, technology, music, fashion, motivation and entertainment. Everything you need to know can be found in one place.

Information portal: - Cologne - Kutnohorska - Čáslavsko

Providing services in the field of searching for new customers, publishing company databases.

Services: -substitute performance -OHS, PO and revisions - construction work and material sales -call center - digitization of documents - information and telecommunication technologies -wholesale of office supplies -wholesale, retail of work clothes -wholesale, retail cleaning products -cleaning services

Services: - an internet portal on how to live fully after fifty

Rail freight transport portal - information on free vehicle capacity.

Our company delivers SMS statements from the SOLUS debtor register, aimed at natural persons. We also participate in SOLUS projects, which strive to improve the level of financial literacy in the Czech Republic.

We operate an internet catalog of companies, natural persons and organizations in Vlašim.

Accommodation center in Czech cottages, cottages, camps and pensions.

Services: -database of furniture manufacturers and sellers

The portal is operated by the South Bohemian company PROSERVIS BOHEMIA s.r.o., which focused on the part of the real estate market focused on agricultural land and buildings.

Internet graphic studio, designs and creation of web design. We propose and create a modern design of internet presentations.

Library. Rental period: -after 10-12,13-15 - Wed 10-12,13-17.30 -Fri 10-12,13-17.30. Information is part of the library center that serves not only tourists but also to all residents of the microregion Zhulovsko.

Portal for mechanical designers. A place for your advertising of engineering products and services. Articles on the issue.

Czech agency KITA Otrokovice u Zlina is a cultural information tourist and travel agency - it is an operator of a small wheeled tourist train for sightseeing tours in the region of Eastern Moravia. Purpose, use: - Sightseeing car-train for attractive transport of tourists - Small train for cultural and sports events. In the train, audio ...

Services: - operation of the information server