Are you looking for a pharmacy, tire service or the manufacturer of honey? Information services will facilitate your path for a specific company, because they gather information about all available companies. Call centers, on the contrary they work as a di

Information system for ISAK law firms, information systems, databases, consulting services, design in IT technologies.

Activity: - operation of an information server on France

Services: - online catalog of map-based services

Services: - online database of car repair shops

Services: - marketing - outsourcing of call center services Branches: Chotěboř Palackého 330 tel .: 567 770 507 Bystrice n / P: Masaryk Square 53

Information portal for experts on problems in construction, preparation, course and completion of construction and reconstruction of apartments and houses. We offer topics about: - building diseases and recognition of symptoms - construction financing - construction literacy - air quality measurement - the threat to the human health ...

Business Innovation Center. Business incubator. Science and technology park. Technology transfer. Cooperation on projects. Business support.

Internet portal Information for tourists and residents of the areas: - current events - culture - restaurant - sport - accommodation - tips for trips - business and more. Office: Panská 102 (above Kozlovná Měšťan) Jindřichův Hradec 377 01

Services - operator of internet catalogs and portals,

Internet portal Excursions - Entertainment - tips for trips with children.

INFORMATION AND TOURIST CENTER: -October-April: Mon-Fri: 9am-12pm; 1pm-5pm Sat: 9am-12pm -May, June, September: Mon-Fri: 9am-12pm; 1pm-6pm Sat: 9am-12pm -July August: Mon-Fri: 9am-12pm; 1pm-6pm Sat-Sun: 9am-12pm; 1pm-5pm SCOPE OF BUSINESS: -all tourist information -help in choosing suitable accommodation and meals - information ...

Services - purchase of receivables - intelligence and information service - business revitalization, crisis management.

Own call center services, a team of trained, professional workers - active, passive telemarketing. Audio conferencing, video conferencing and web conferencing. Substitute performance. Protected workshop.

Mediation of crafts and services see and + activity in the field of demand servers such as

Zkola ( Sofia (, further education database, teachers' offices) School Exchange (, choice of field and school for students in the last years of elementary school) Kudy kam (, guidance application for pupils, 400 life situations) Zlinské dumy (, repository of digital ...

Activity: - a server dedicated to Forex trading.